FAQ For Purchase question
Q: 1.I bought an older version of the program. How do I upgrade it?
A: If you bought the older version, please just upgrade an existing registered copy by downloading the latest version and installing it over your existing one. And your registration data will be saved.
However, if you have the version earlier than version 6.0 (such as version 5.8), you can upgrade it as followings:
First, please redownload and install the latest version of the program, and then register it with the registration name and code you used on the old version. Thus, you will upgrade to the latest version as soon as you complete the registration.
Q: 2.I bought the program, but it still says it's unregistered.
A: You must enter your license data into program in order to complete registration. To do this, click the "Menu" button and then select the "Registration Code" item. When a registration window comes out, please enter your username and registration code found in your order confirmation e-mail. Click “Register” button to complete registration.
Note: When doing the registration, please make sure that there is no space on the left/right of you name/code. We recommend you copy/paste your name and code to the register-window.
Instructions to register by copying and pasting:
1) COPY the registration code listed below by highlighting it with the mouse and pressing CTRL_C.
2) PASTE in the registration code by pressing CTRL_V in the register window box.
3) Do the same with the User Name.
4) Press "Register" on the register window box. You'll then have the full features of the program that you have ordered.

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